Sunday, 17 November 2019

c language tutorial

C language tutorial C Language Introduction

C is a procedural programming language. It was initially developed by Dennis Ritchie in the year 1972.
It was mainly developed as a system programming language to write an operating system. The main features of C language include  low-level access to memory, a simple set of keywords, and clean style, these features make C language suitable for system programmings like an operating system or compiler development.
C language tutorial
Many later languages have borrowed syntax/features directly or indirectly from C language. Like syntax of Java, PHP, JavaScript, and many other languages are mainly based on C language. C++ is nearly a superset of C language (There are few programs that may compile in C, but not in C++).

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1. Introduction  of C language.

2. Meaning of #include

3. About: return type main()

4. About main body().

5. Data type in C language.

6. Operator in C language.

7. Keywords in C language.

8. Variable and constant.

9. Formated input and output.

10. Control statement If()

11. About else if and else.

12. Control statement : Switch case.

13. About : goto statement.

14. Introduction of LOOP.

15. About : Do while loop.

16. About : while loop.

17. About : for loop.

18. Differences between DO WHILE and while loop.

19. Explain : break and continue.

20. increment and dicrement.

21. Introduction : ARRAY[].

22. Introduction : string.

23. Introduction : function.

24. About : call by value.

25. Explain : call by references.

26. Explain : pre-processor.

27. Explain : typedef.

28. Explain : enum.

29. Introduction : storage classes.

30. Explain : bitwise operator.

31. Introduction : pointer.

32. Explain : structure.

33. About : union .

34. Differences between : structure and union.

35.  file handling.

36. Command line argument.

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hii my name bibhuti swain and I am Pandesara Surat and I interested on coding and certainly I create a website where the students can learn different types of programming language like c, c++, java, php, python and etc my website : code with vibhu