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** Stack program **
1. Simple c++ program
2. Simple input and output program
3. simple class program.
4. class scope-resolution
5. static data members
6. static data member or data method
7. array of object
8. dynamic array of object
9. Arithmatic operation on class
10. Find highest marks among three students using class
11. Find highest number among 10 umber.
12. Find highest value among three number using class in friend keyword.
13. Write a program that same as a ADD TO CART(BUY,REMOVE,TOTAL BILL ) in c++.
14.Write a program that perform delition and insertion name among 5 string. in c++
- Single level inheritance in c++
- multi level inheritance in c++
- multiple inheritance in c++
- Hierarchical inheritance in c++
- Hybrid inheritance in c++
- virtual class in c++
How to concate two string in c++
- Write a C++ program that overload new and delete operator.
- Write a program that defines a class date and overload ==, < and > operators to compare two dates.
- Write a program to check whether a number is even or odd by overloading ! operator.
- Write a program to check whether a number is prime or not by overloading – operator.
- Write a C++ program for Addition and Multiplication of two matrices by overloading + and * operators.
- Write a program to create class to read and add two times using binary plus (+) operator overloading.
- Create a class inventory which store item details. Read item details using object and write it into the file.